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With the spring semester drawing to a close and summer break approaching, college students may find their attention spans and interest in completing homework decreasing. 


According to some estimates, college students can spend as many as 40 hours a week completing homework for their courses—the same amount of time as a full-time job.

It isn’t always easy to stay dedicated to homework and assignments, especially as the weather warms and the end of the school year approaches. Here are seven hacks that will help students stay focused and complete assignments quickly without getting distracted or falling into procrastination. 

    1. Chew gum. Many people claim that chewing gum while studying helps keep them focused by giving them an outlet for pent up energy.  
    2. Don’t forget to eat. Low blood sugar and dehydration can lead to brain fog and make it more difficult to study. Make sure you have snacks on hand while completing homework and are sufficiently hydrated. 
  • Participate in study groups. If you have trouble finding the motivation to complete homework on your own, try joining a study group to help keep you accountable and meet some of your social needs while simultaneously getting work done. 
    1. Set a timer. Studies have shown that the average concentration span is between 30 and 90 minutes. Set a timer and take regular breaks during homework sessions to prevent mental burnout, which can lead to distraction and a lack of motivation. 
    2. Reward yourself. Associating studying and learning with positive reinforcement can aid recall and help you feel more motivated to complete homework, instead of avoiding it. 
  • Explain the material to someone else. One sign that you fully understand something is when you are able to explain it to someone else. Find a friend or family member and ask if you can explain your study material to them. This can help you retain information faster and shorten study time needed. 
  • Sleep. While pulling an all-nighter might seem like a valuable way to cram for a test, poor sleep can contribute to fatigue, confusion, memory loss and cognition issues. Make sure you are well rested before tackling homework, even if that means taking a cat nap before hitting the books. 


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